The Moi Teaching & Referral Hospital / Moi University College of Health Sciences -Institutional Research and Ethics Committee (MTRH/MU-IREC), was constituted jointly by Moi Teaching & Referral Hospital (MTRH) and Moi University College of Health Sciences (MUCHS). The MTRH/MU-IREC shall serve as the regulatory entity for research at the MUCHS, MTRH and satellite areas in the Western half of Kenya. The MTRH/MU-IREC responsibilities shall include review, evaluation and approval of proposed research involving humans, their tissue and related data based on the scientific and ethical merits of research proposals and monitoring of the approved studies with the aim of safeguarding the dignity, rights and welfare of the research participants.  The Committee governs health research as guided by applicable laws and regulations of Kenya and other relevant international bodies.  The Committee reviews and approves research proposals for and on behalf of the National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation which is the legal entity authorized to review and approve research in Kenya under the Science Technology and Innovation Act No. 28 of 2013. MTRH/MU-IREC work is legally underpinned through a delegated mandate from National Commission for Science Technology and innovation (NACOSTI) via accreditation.

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