The Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital / Moi University College of Health Sciences -Institutional Research and Ethics Committee (MTRH/MU-IREC), was constituted jointly by Moi Teaching & Referral Hospital (MTRH) and Moi University College of Health Sciences (MUCHS). The MTRH/MU-IREC shall serve as the regulatory entity for research at the MUCHS, MTRH and satellite areas in the Western half of Kenya. The MTRH/MU-IREC responsibilities shall include review, evaluation and approval of proposed research involving humans, their tissue and related data based on the scientific and ethical merits of research proposals and monitoring of the approved studies with the aim of safeguarding the dignity, rights and welfare of the research participants. The Committee governs health research as guided by applicable laws and regulations of Kenya and other relevant international bodies. The Committee reviews and approves research proposals for and on behalf of the National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation which is the legal entity authorized to review and approve research in Kenya under the Science Technology and Innovation Act No. 28 of 2013. MTRH/MU-IREC work is legally underpinned through a delegated mandate from National Commission for Science Technology and innovation (NACOSTI) via accreditation.
Our Mandate
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Types of Review
Conducted by MTRH/MU-IREC:
Expedited Review
Research investigations that present no more than minimal risk to the study participants and minor amendment in previously approved research during the period for which approval was granted.
Full Review
All other research proposals submitted for review and which do not meet the criteria for expedited and exempt review undergo the process of a full review.
Continuing Review
All approvals are valid for a period of one year. studies that last for more than one year apply for a continuing approval annually.
Exempt Review
Unless otherwise defined by the committee and other relevant regulations, research activities in which the only involvement of human subjects will be in one or more of the following categories are exempt from these SOP’s.
Review or amendments to a previously approved Proposal- All amendments to approved study proposal are previewed by IREC members before the amended protocol is implemented.
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