Institutional Research and Ethics Committee(IREC), is an institutional review board jointly constituted by Moi University College of Health Sciences (MU/CHS) and Moi Teaching & Referral Hospital (MTRH). IREC derives its mandate from The National Commission for Science ,Technology and Innovation (NACOSTI). IREC serves as an independent and competent body to review, evaluate and decide on the scientific and ethical merits of research proposals. It is committed to ensuring and guaranteeing the rights, dignity, safety and protection of actual or potential individuals and communities who participate in research. IREC’s mandate is to:
– Review and approve research proposals
– Provide leadership in research and development.
– Facilitate sourcing and coordinate approval of research grants/funds
– Coordinate the dissemination and publicity of research information and findings
IRECs Role
The Institutional Research and Ethics Committee (IREC), hereinafter called The Committee, were constituted jointly by Moi University College of Health Sciences (MUCHS) and Moi Teaching & Referral Hospital (MTRH). The Committee shall serve as the regulatory entity for research at the MUCHS and MT&RH and as an independent representative and competent body to review, evaluate and decide on the scientific and ethical merits of research proposals. It is committed to ensuring and guaranteeing the rights, dignity, safety and protection of actual or potential individuals and communities who participate in research. The Committee governs health research as guided by applicable laws and regulations of the Kenyan and and other relevant international bodies. The Committee reviews and approves research proposals for and on behalf of the National Council for Science and Technology which is the legal entity authorized to review and approve research in Kenya under Cap 250 of the Laws of Kenya. The Committee shall serve as the regulatory entity for research at the MUCHS and MT&RH and as an independent representative and competent body to review, evaluate and decide on the scientific and ethical merits of research proposals. It is committed to ensuring and guaranteeing the rights, dignity, safety and protection of actual or potential individuals and communities who participate in research. The Committee governs health research as guided by applicable laws and regulations of the Kenyan and and other relevant international bodies. The Committee reviews and approves research proposals for and on behalf of the Science, Technology and Innovation Act, 2013.